Omg, i set these questions & i have to do it :( thanks to my friend... you know who you are!
1. your full name
Ang Hui Min Irene
2. things that make you turn off.
people who loves to resort to violence , mouth full of vulgarities.
3. things that make you turn on.
people who are gracious , friendly?
4. things you love.
major love for hello kitty! i love food .
5. things you hate.
I don't really know what i hate but maybe people who are fake?
6. Phobia?
Ermm, why did i set such tough question :( I don't know what phobia i have..
7. Last thing ate.
Milo cereal with milk!
8. Last text received.
my friendddd.
9. Favorite cartoon characters.
10. Favorite quote?
It's not about the quantity, but the quality of friends. :)
11. Favorite food.
Spaghetti from 18 Chefs!
12. Favorite drink.
there's alot.. fruit juice? :D
13. Favorite movie.
Don't really like to watch movie but any kind of horror movie ba LOL.
14. Nicknames
rene .
15. A bad habit.
Procrastination , don't fold my blanket when i wake up.
16. A good habit.
no good habit :(
17. Something you miss.
I miss the fun I had few years ago in chambers with my audition friends..
18. Your academics
Sec 5 , taking O's this year.
19. What you wore today.
I'm wearing my class tee & fbt now.
20. What's the colour of your hair.
Black and brown?
21. What's your favorite colour.
22. What you hate most about school.
Waking up early in the morning, test & exams.
23. Pets you've ever had?
Hamsters, Fishes!
24. Best friends.
hmmmmm, don't really regard friends as bestfriends unless you're really close to me. & if i trust you. I'm very particular when choosing friends, i guess. many people around me are ' fake ' . but i do have friends who are close to me :)
25. What you love most about yourself.
I love myself for being ' introverted ' . LOL.
Sorry, answered in short & simple sentences.
That's all.
rene , xx .